A scheduling error has occurred caused by the Leap Day (29th February), which is causing older versions of Lasernet - with specific types of configurations - to have stopped working starting from 00:00 29th February 2024.
This issue exists in versions of Lasernet ranging from 8 to 10, in the Scheduler.
As a fix, disable the Scheduler for today so that jobs run immediately, and then re-enable the Scheduler tomorrow.
If you cannot connect to the Developer, we can provide a workaround: change the system date on the server to 27/02/2024 today, and tomorrow you can change it back to 01/03/24. This will allow Lasernet to continue running through today.
This fix can be implemented in any version without needing to upgrade. However, the long-term recommendation is to always upgrade to the latest version of Lasernet.
Our Cloud-hosted customers are being actively monitored for any issues, and logs are being inspected by the team.
We are investigating a permanent fix for a future release of Lasernet and will announce release dates in due course.
If you need to raise a Support Ticket, please do so through our contact form and remember to include:
Version numbers
Log files (covering the time the issue happened)
If possible, an export of the config file (How to get the current running Lasernet configuration from server)
Additional information will be provided on our Support Portal as it becomes available.
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