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XLSX Output (Calculation) - Knowledgebase / Lasernet / Lasernet Training / Lasernet Form Editor 9 - Rich Text and Spreadsheet - Formpipe Support Portal

XLSX Output (Calculation)

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In the previous exercise, you have created an output of the XLSX format. Now you are proposed to finalize creating the output by applying the required style and adding calculations.


Download and import the attached configuration called 09. XLSX Output (Calculation) in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterwards, go to the Forms section and open the Sample form.

1. In the output, click in the cell as it is shown on the picture below, and then type the following text in it: GRAND TOTAL.

Use two cells which follow the one to type the following text in each of them: DISCOUNT TOTAL and AMOUNT PAID respectively.

2. Once the cells contain the required text, select them, and then format them using the buttons on the toolbar. As a result, the output looks like the one on the picture below:

3. Click in the cell next to the GRAND TOTAL one, and then type =SUM(RANGE($D$14)) in the formula bar or directly to the cell.

Let us consider what =SUM(RANGE($D$14)) means. So, in the cell, we want to get a sum of numbers in the range into which the specified template cell is expanded in a merged document. It is a unit price range giving us a grand total sum.

Repeat the step to enter =SUM(RANGE($E$14)) next to the DISCOUNT TOTAL cell as well as =SUM(RANGE($F$14)) next to the AMOUNT PAID cell. So, we can have a sum for the discount total and the amount paid respectively.

4. Once you are done, select them, and then format the cells using the buttons on the toolbar. As a result, the output looks like the one on the picture below:

5. To make sure that all the required elements are added to the template, preview it by clicking the Preview button on the toolbar.

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