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May 23 2023

Lasernet New Features 10.5

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Lasernet 10.5

Release date: 23rd May 2023


System Requirements

See Lasernet System Requirements.

Important before upgrading to Lasernet 10.5


New Installers, Connections, Sign in and SDK from Lasernet 10.2

The installation procedure and the configuration procedure, in several of the client applications, have been changed from Lasernet 10.2; there are now separate installers for Lasernet Server 10 and Lasernet Developer 10.

If you have not read the release notes for Lasernet 10.2, for how to upgrade to Lasernet 10.2 and newer and about changes in third-party modules, developed by the Lasernet SDK, we recommend that you do so before installing this version.

Video Overview

Watch this short video to learn more about the headline features included with Lasernet 10.5!

New Features

This section is an overview of the new features included with this version of Lasernet.

Lasernet Web Client

Auto detection and editing of date formats and regional profiles for input documents have been improved significantly.

Assign a regional profile for a job processed by the OCR Engine. Select the Metadata tab and click any date field to show and edit the existing regional profile. The selected profile will be assigned to the job and automatically update the corresponding OCR Form assigned to sender of the document.

Auto detection of regional profile for manual inserted date values has been added to both Lasernet Web Client and Lasernet Client app.

Assign an Identifier value to a job processed by the OCR Engine. Select the Metadata tab and click any Identifier value to show and edit the existing value. The selected value will be assigned to the job and automatically update the corresponding OCR Form assigned to sender of the document.

Lasernet OCR Editor

OCR Field matching provides a new versatile tool for string comparisons. The pattern matching features allow you to match each character in a string against a specific character, a wildcard character, a character list, or a character range.

If the new property Operator is set to “Like”, the text value will compare against a pattern.


The default settings is “Exact” for backwards compatibility.

Examples of supported characters in a pattern match are:


Any single character


Zero or more characters


Any single digit (0–9)


Any single character in charlist


Any single character not in charlist


Any uppercase character between A-Z


Any lowercase character between a-z

Lasernet Form Editor

The usability and navigation, when working with form design, have been improved in various areas.

Inline editing

You will no longer enter inline editing mode by default, after selecting objects created as rearranges or fixed text.

You must now select an object and then press F2 to enter inline editing.

Merging objects

  • To merge two rearrange or fixed text objects press the Ctrl key before you drag one object to another object.

  • To merge two rearrange or fixed text objects, press the Ctrl + Alt keys, before you drag one object to another object. A new context menu will be shown, from which you can select Keep text formatting or Keep text only.

Improved keyboard support

Added support for keys:

  • PageUp

  • PageDown

  • Home

  • End

for improved keyboard navigation across the output pages in forms designed in the EMF/PDF output format.

PDF Form Filler

Added support for a new attribute called values in XFDF template to show possible values extracted from PDF, making it easier for an end user to know what to fill in with, including error handling:

Lasernet SQL Editor

DataTable relations between queries in Database Command

Added support for specifying how DataTables are related, making it possible to have master/detail relationship. This enables you to mail merge or create reports, for example, with customers and their orders, based on your query.

Show Results to a DataSet

Click Execute in transaction to show Results to a DataSet in a new tab. This provides a great view for how the DataSet is structured and how relations are added to the options, because the tables are shown nested (master/detail).

Tesseract OCR module

A new PDF library has been added to process and extract metadata from incoming PDF documents.


To ensure backward compatibility, after an upgrade from an older version, this setting is not activated by default.

We recommend that new users of the Lasernet Input Management solution activate this setting to be able to process a larger scale of PDF documents from various PDF providers.

If this setting is activated for an upgraded input management solution, we recommend that existing OCR Forms are validated and corrected, if necessary, before turning this setting on in a live environment. You may expect minor differences in the output text result when turning this setting on/off, for example, OCR forms, fields and values not being recognized equally.

Printer Output module and Printer Service app

When printing PDF format attachments via the Printer Output module or Printer Service app, the Lasernet Server now has support to automatically choose the paper source in the printer by detecting the page sizes in the PDF documents.

This feature is similar to the print setting “Choose paper source by PDF page size” supported by Adobe Acrobat Reader.

PDF Merger module

New rules are introduced to manage merging PDF attachments in PDF Merger in case of empty data.

  • If any listed Attachment JobInfo contains invalid PDF data, engine will fail the job.

  • If any listed Attachment JobInfo contains null data, engine will not fail the job.

  • If any listed Attachment JobInfo does not exist, as a part of the job, engine will not fail the job.

Google Drive and Dropbox modules

  • The modules are no longer supported or included in the Lasernet installer. There is currently no plan to support these cloud services in the future.

  • As an alternative Microsoft OneDrive is supported for upload and download of files via a third-party cloud service.

See Also

Lasernet 10.5 Release Notes

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