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Oct 14 2024

Lasernet FO Connector 7.0 New Features and Fixes

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Lasernet for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Release version: 7.0

Release date: 14th October 2024


The following documentation and files are available:

New Features, Fixes, and Enhancements – Lasernet FO Connector 7.0

Lasernet FO Connector 7.0 is released for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations versions 10.0.39 (PU63), 10.0.40 (PU64), and 10.0.41 (PU65).

The same source code is used across all versions.

This is aimed to be a quality update, provided through the following new features, fixes, and enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 7.0.


A new Connection type has been introduced to support Lasernet Essentials. This hybrid setup uses both the Embedded (Integrated) Lasernet engine with the included Lasernet designer and a Lasernet Server simultaneously.

When using the Embedded (Integrated) Lasernet engine, it is also possible to archive using Azure Storage, Sharepoint, DM, or File System (OnPrem).

Configuration of the Embedded Lasernet Engine

The following Connection type has been added to support the Integrated (Embedded) Lasernet engine:

Once created, the configured connection for Integrated (Embedded) is used within the Lasernet Server.

It is sufficient to use Integrated (Embedded) as the Outgoing connection since the Azure Storage provided out of the box with standard Dynamics 365 FO will be used to store the PDF and/or XML files.

Lasernet Essentials only uses Azure Storage for the single archive entry configured for each report.

To run a hybrid system in which some reports use the Embedded Lasernet engine while others use a Lasernet server, set the criteria to configure the Lasernet server or choose Embedded, in the Lasernet server field.


Lasernet FO Connector 7.0 provides an option to configure an Outbox that renders and distributes reports.

It also contains any failed jobs, such as a failed report rendering.

The Files tab on the left-hand side of the Outbox page shows what is included in the job and enables users to open and download XMLs, PDFs, attachments, etc.

To view the Lasernet outbox processing for a specific job, navigate to Lasernet > Common > Outbox, select the desired job, and click Lasernet outbox processing on the page’s Action pane.

Navigate to Lasernet > Setup > Administration > Connections to learn whether the jobs are saved within the Outbox.

The Let batch service feature provides the option to Render or Render and send report to destination within a batch task.

This is useful for offloading the reporting process in case async operations such as E-mail or Print are used.


A key feature of Lasernet Essentials is its ability to enable users to design a report directly from the workspace by opening the Lasernet Form Editor.

For the Open designer button to be available in the workspace, at least one entry in the Lasernet Archive is necessary, which is supported through the One last entry option.

Hence, Lasernet Essentials reports must use One last entry for the Open Designer button to be available in the workspace.


Archiving all report executions is not part of Lasernet Essentials and requires a license for the Professional version.

It is also important to always resend a report with Force rerun enabled, as this ensures that the report is regenerated all over again. Otherwise, the system retrieves the report (XML/PDF) directly from the Lasernet Archive if it already exists.

Using One last entry guarantees that a report is always resent with Force rerun, even if the report (XML/PDF) already exists for the given entry. Using One last entry in the Professional version presents the resend dialog, such as in the image below, which always uses Force rerun where it cannot be disabled.

Export the Last Entry in the Archive

An option to include only the latest entry from the Lasernet Archive (Archive last entry) has been introduced and is required to ensure that opening the Form Editor from the workspace works correctly, directly following the configuring or loading of a report.

Performance has also been optimized.

Open Designer

Lasernet FO Connector 7.0 now includes a feature that enables the Lasernet Form Editor to be opened directly from the Archive after selecting a specific entry.

If the report is not set up for Embedded/Embedded designer, a message such as the following will be displayed:

To use the Lasernet Form Editor in the Professional version (Lasernet FO Connector 7.0), ensure the following settings are enabled for the report:

The number of records is displayed when importing a file (backup):

Design Versions

Lasernet Essentials and Lasernet FO Connector generate a new report version whenever a design is modified.

The design Version of a report enables you to Preview, Export, Import, and Compare different designs.

The Description will also indicate whether the report design was Imported or Modified.

It is also possible to import several report designs and link them to several reports within Lasernet FO Connector.


The Compare feature enables a comparison of two report designs.

It is also possible to lock the designs within the Design versions page, which means the versions would not be part of recycling (maximum number of design versions within the Lasernet parameters).

You can restrict the number of designs that need to be saved within Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > General and add a value in the Maximum number of design versions field.

It is possible to specify whether an Embedded design should be used for a report; otherwise, it will require a Lasernet Server.

You can use a particular design for the report.

It is possible to set a Description for a report, which will be used when configuring a new report or loading it from the catalog.

It will appear in the report thumbnails as well.


The From name and From e-mail fields can be set by default in Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > General.

This approach ensures that the email functionality in standard Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is working as expected.

Printer Settings

It is now possible to apply Printer settings to the different Sheets in each report within the Printer settings located in Lasernet > Common > Reports.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click the +New button, choose the Sheet name, and then click Save.

2. Click Settings, and in the Printer settings box, enter your required criteria.

Settings for Preview of PDF Files

New options have been introduced for previewing a report. These can be useful when a full-page review of a report is desired (to avoid the need for scrolling too much).

We recommend these settings when using the following browsers:


Fit to page: Dynamic fit

Remove toolbar: No

Remove status bar: Yes

Remove document message bar: Yes

Remove navigation panes and tabs: Yes

Chrome or Firefox

Fit to page: Fit

Remove toolbar: No

Remove status bar: Yes

Remove document message bar: Yes

Remove navigation panes and tabs: Yes

Edge can sometimes ignore Fit, which is the reason for Dynamic Fit.

Dynamic Fit will use either vertical or horizontal fit depending on the aspect ratio of the report and document viewer.

If Dynamic Fit is used, and the report is not A4 in Portrait, then the Set JobInfos to control the Paper format in the Printer Device(s) checkbox has to be selected in the Designer for the report (default).

Dynamic Fit does not consider navigation panes, etc., so it is recommended that they be removed.


Enabling Add to query will include the field in the Query (Query wizard).

Disabling Add to query will present the following options:

Advanced Settings for Lasernet Form Editor

A new Designer section has been added to the Lasernet module to install and set up the Lasernet Form Editor.

Clear Value in a Filter

In Lasernet FO Connector, users cannot typically clear a value while entering it into a filter. Version 7.0 seeks a keyboardless experience that includes an option to delete already entered values.

In previous versions, values could not be removed unless they were “marked” and removed (the same as in standard Dynamics 365).

An X symbol has been introduced for the filters in Lasernet FO Connector 7.0, making it simpler and more intuitive to remove an entered value without needing a keyboard.

Report Group

A new report type called Single report has been added to the Report group. This report type is used in Lasernet Essentials to ensure that an image can be saved and exported/imported for a single report.

Additionally, it can be used when labels or translations are required in just one report.

Only a single report can be selected when Single report is selected.

A similarly straightforward and efficient option for including a field has been incorporated at the report level:

A dialog such as the following is presented. However, selecting a table that already exists within the Query simplifies the process.

Choosing a table from the Expression contained within the Query will streamline the dialog and guarantee that all elements are incorporated into the Query/Query wizard, which will optimize overall performance.

435566@LAC365FO – No more than three active report

The following warning is displayed if more than three reports are activated in Lasernet Essentials.

A 30-second pause is applied if more than three reports are activated, such as when switching between Professional and Essential mode or when more than three reports are activated in Professional.

432497@LAC365FO – Improved authentication within the Lasernet Form Editor

The authentication process for uploading designs from Lasernet Form Editor to Dynamics has been enhanced by ensuring it will use the users who are currently logged into Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

432210@LAC365FO - Hide Open reports, Fax, Custom port, Open designer only if XML (grab) exists

432210@LAC365FO - Hide Lasernet Archive from the standard journals

Functionalities such as Lasernet Fax and Lasernet Custom Port in Print destination settings, along with the ability to open a report directly from the Printer dialog and Preview, have been eliminated.

Lasernet Administrator

Lasernet User

The Lasernet Archive that was displayed within the standard journals is no longer available. Moreover, when launching Lasernet Form Editor, the system will now indicate if an XML/Grab file is absent from the report. A single archive entry should/will be provided for each report.

A 30-second delay is introduced when there is no license code/key, and more than three reports are activated.

A 30-second delay is used when switching between Lasernet Essentials and Lasernet Professional, in which it is possible to have more than three active reports.

430290@LAC365FO – Images in workspace

A new powerful option for adding images has been introduced in Lasernet Essentials and within Lasernet FO Connector 7.0 (Professional).

Use +New to add a new image, and either use +Add or +Include in report to add the current image to the report.

430284@LAC365FO – A Validate button has been introduced for the back-door

A Validate button for checking the back-door connection has been introduced.

This back-door connection may be used when the main connection fails or when uploading configurations that serve individual customer needs.

The Image gallery within Lasernet Essentials has been enhanced with the following visual improvements.

The aim is to increase intuitiveness and ensure all components will function correctly within the existing Lasernet FO Connector.

Images and the Image gallery can be used in Lasernet Essentials and in Professional, as the same engine is used for both.

Images can be inserted from the workspace and through a report's Preview.


Only users with Lasernet Administrator or System Administrator roles can add images via Preview and the workspace.

Users lacking these roles will not be able to view the extra options in both the Preview and workspace areas.

The main menu provides access to the Image gallery.

375778@LAC365FO – Lasernet Cloud Print Connector (CPC), new installer (UI), no need for Run as Admin

The setup process (UI) for the Lasernet Cloud Print Connector has been made consistent with the installation process of the Lasernet Form Editor. Now, Administrator rights are no longer necessary for the installation. It functions exclusively as a tray-icon application and thus needs the Professional version to operate as a service. The system keeps offering a robust method for showcasing printing capabilities and print speed through the Lasernet Cloud Printer.

430064@LAC365FO – Configure attachments directly from Document handling with OneClick

Users now have the ability to add attachments straight from the standard attachment form in Dynamics 365 FO.

All preferences are taken into account and seamlessly integrated into the attachment settings for the selected report. This feature is very efficient, allowing you to use any attachment immediately with just one click (OneClick Approach). It is user-friendly and simple to showcase, as its intuitiveness means you can reveal functionalities in a demo without needing to use a keyboard (keyboardless approach).

430067@LAC365FO – Admin permission is not needed to install Cloud Print Connector

When downloading Lasernet Cloud Print Connector, the user is now offered two options: Basic and standard. The Basic version does not require Admin permissions but cannot run as a service like the “original”.

441040@LAC365FO – The Resend function has been enhanced

In previous versions, it was not possible to resend a document that had been resent without Force rerun.

Lasernet FO Connector 7.0 supports the option to resend documents that were not initially resent with Force rerun.

439304@LAC365FO – Test flow improvements

Users now have the option to add checkpoint(s) from Top picking into a Flow (multiple checkpoints) when using the Test and Performance Suite. This is beneficial as the Test flow automatically offers the option to verify the reports, and it is now possible to add multiple reports in a single run.

The Test flow now offers the same options as checkpoints, ensuring quicker and easier access and processing.

The checkpoint logs are now part of the Flow for simpler and easier access.

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