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Apr 8 2024

Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1 Fixes

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Release version: 6.20.1

Release date: 5th April 2024


This page describes the bug fixes in Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1.

Click to view the Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1 Release Notes.

Click to view the Models and Prerequisites page.

Bug Fixes - Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1

Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1 is a quality update released for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations 10.0.36 (PU60), 10.0.37 (PU61), 10.0.38 (PU62), 10.0.39 (PU63).

The same code is used across all versions.

415060@LAC365FO – Wrong range created if parameter values only contain numbers

When dialog fields such as the following were interpreted and used as the start and end of a Range, an inaccurate range would be added to the Query.

Previous version

Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1

In Lasernet FO Connector, the report contains two dialog fields:

The parameters indicate the Ranges for the From and To values:

415009LAC365FO – Error Function PrintMgmtHierarchy.GetParent has been incorrectly called

When the Use print management button was toggled to Yes in Lasernet > Setup > Parameters, the following error occurred when printing the report Picking list:


Function PrintMgmtHierarchy.getParent has been incorrectly called.

This used to happen because the report Picking list is in a different location than the other reports in Accounts receivable.

This has been fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1.

414493@LAC365FO – Transformation stylesheets have issue with ' (') in languages that contains it in number formatting

Currently, an error occurs if numbers use the following formatting: ###(')##0[.]00;-###(')##0[.]00

A report then fails to run.



Error at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.`Global_StackInfo(XppPrePostArgs _args) in xppSource://Source/Lasernet\AxClass_LACUtils.xpp:line 1401 at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.Global_StackInfo(XppPrePostArgs _args) at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.XppPrePostDelegate.Invoke(XppPrePostArgs args) at Dynamics.AX.Application.Global.`error(String txt, String helpUrl, SysInfoAction _sysInfoAction, Boolean

@helpUrl_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_sysInfoAction_IsDefaultSet) at Dynamics.AX.Application.Global.error(String txt, String helpUrl, SysInfoAction _sysInfoAction, Boolean @helpUrl_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_sysInfoAction_IsDefaultSet) at

PrintMgmtHierarchy.getParent has been incorrectly called.

Dynamics.AX.Application.Global.error(String txt) at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACReportEngine.transform(String

xmlDocument, String styleSheet, String className, MemoryStream runTimeData, Boolean checkCached, Int32

If you encounter a similar error after upgrading to 6.20.1, update the stylesheet for the report

Another way that might fix issues with the formatting is to clear the entire cache.

413917@LAC365FO – Duplicate Cloud print printer names with different connector-ids mismatching

In the previous version, if printers had identical names but different identifiers, the correct printer was not always chosen, unless the Printer links between environments were specified.

In the following example, every printer has two occurrences:

If you chose the second Zebra printer (identifier: 66138f63-51f0-4028-a9c9-b0cdbbcbb99d), the system would still use the first Zebra printer (1d72cb3b-fd39-4755-9af5-7279ffd4eeee) for storage and Queue unless you set up Printer links between environments (Lasernet > Setup > Cloud print connector setup > User setup).

In the following example, the BlobContainerName and QueueName are wrong, as the printers have the same name.

The correct printer’s identifier is 66138f63-51f0-4028-a9c9-b0cdbbcbb99d.

This issue is now fixed.

413810@LAC365FO – Class rename leads to packed Print destination loss in 6.20 (LACSrsPrintDestinationSettings_Extension > SrsPrintDestinationSettings_LAC_Extension)



When upgrading to 6.20, you might lose destinations that you had chosen in a Printer dialog. Destinations are kept when you either upgrade directly to 6.20.1 or restore a backup from an older version to 6.20.1.

When using older versions, you might have to enter the number of copies and the pages to print more than once.

This has been fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1.

A printer name such as the following might be lost after upgrading to 6.20. This might affect the printing process from the Warehouse management app in the same way.

Lasernet FO Connector 6.20

Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1

412334@LAC365FO – VersionRowNumber – DataVerse

Row version change tracking has been added for the following two tables in Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1.

This option enables Microsoft ® Dataverse to be used for incremental synchronization of data.

Table name



The LACArchive holds information about printed reports, including information about destinations such as Email, Print, and Electronic (custom).


The LACArchiveRef table contains references to records to which the archive report applies. The report journal table is the one used most often.

412952@LAC365FO – Reports not kicking off from custom code after upgrade to LAC 6.20 - From customer support

An Args such as the following was required when using SrsReportRunController for executing a report: Controller.parmArgs(new Args());

Lasernet FO Connector 6.20.1. does not require this Args.

Helpful Unhelpful

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