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Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4 New Features/Fixes - News / Lasernet FO Connector / Lasernet FO Connector New Features - Formpipe Support Portal

Jun 8 2023

Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4 New Features/Fixes

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Release version: 6.18.4

Release date: 8th June 2023


This page describes the enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4.

Click to view the Release Notes page.


Lasernet 6.18.4 contains the following models, Including the model for the integration with D365CE (Dataverse) and the models for the Lasernet print buttons.



Location / Remark


Core and main engine for Lasernet FO Connector


Requires activation Key

Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > License terms


Additional requirements in relation to 8.1 and newer versions of standard Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations


Lasernet print buttons

Print buttons


Adaptor between the Lasernet print buttons and Lasernet


Provide the integration to CE from Lasernet FO Connector

Lasernet > Dataverse/Dynamics 365


Hotfixes for standard Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

System Administration > Setup > Hotfixes from Lasernet

Lasernet Test Suite

Test & Performance Suite

Lasernet > Test and performance suite

Requires activation Key

Lasernet > Test & performance suite > Parameters


Support of Wave labels in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Lasernet Autoform DM

Integration to the Autoform (Archive)


Please ensure the following new objects/dll-files are added to TFS in case of not just installing/deploying the AOT-package.

·         LACSupport.dll.config

·         XmlDiffPatch.dll

·         XmlDiffPath.View.dll


And the following is the complete list of objects which isn’t automatically added


The version number should contain version 6.18.4 like the following after either installing or deploying the AOT-package.

Lasernet > Setup > Parameters


Version Number: 10.0.34 (PU58):

Add the AOT-package

Either through LCS - Apply a deployable package to an environment

Or by installing a deployable package – Requires RDP access to environment

Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.x is supported with Lasernet version 9 and Lasernet version 10 and a setup for either Lasernet version 9 or Lasernet 10 is required for any new installation and when upgrading from Lasernet 8.

Pre-requisite / Technical

It is best practice to do a Stylesheet refresh after upgrading Lasernet FO Connector as this could help with avoiding the potential issue(s).

Please use the following Register selection-classes located in Lasernet > Setup > Backup parameters > Setup Default Selections in case an error like the following is thrown when using Export, Import or Copy across companies (legal entities).

The newly introduced upgrade framework in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18 should manage but could ’fail’ in a scenario when using a TFS/Dev build as this would require executing Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe.




Please try to run ’Register selection-classes’ before processing


Cannot create a record in Lasernet default export/import selection (LACDefaultSelection). The record already exists.

Patch Release - Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4

Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4 is a patch release for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations PU58 and ensures compliance between Lasernet FO Connector and Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations PU58.

None of the previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector (6.18.3 or older) are compatible with PU58 as some files used for Azure have been updated in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations 10.0.34 (PU58).

Customers using Lasernet FO Connector 5 or 6.18.3 (or older) would need Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4 when upgrading to 10.0.34 (PU58).

A few issues that were identified when upgrading from Lasernet FO Connector 5 to Lasernet FO Connector 6 have also been identified and fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4.

The main areas of focus in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4 are:

·         Quality

·         Reliability

·         Stability


Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4 is compliant with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations 10.0.34 (PU58).

Bug Fixes and enhancements - Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4

365703@LAC365FO – Import error: Could not import backup from compressed archive (Updating from Lasernet FO Connector 5)

The following error was thrown when importing a backup from Lasernet FO Connector 5 containing a condition into Lasernet FO Connector 6:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Could not import backup from compressed archive.

This has been fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4.

366692@LAC365FO - 365440 - Display method EDT>BaseEnum in report throws error

Executing a report containing a method returning an Enum did throw the following error if the Type/Datatype was set to an Enum.


Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Dynamics.AX.Application.Global.`enum2Symbol(Int32 _id, Int32 _val) at Dynamics.AX.Application.Global.enum2Symbol(Int32 _id, Int32 _val) at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.`enum2Symbol(Int32 enumId, Object value) in xppSource://Source/Lasernet\AxClass_LACUtils.xpp:line 1028 at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.enum2Symbol(Int32 enumId, Object value) at

This has been fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4 but the work-around was using a String instead of an Enum for the Type/Datatype.

366558LAC365FO - Element with table methods on records without LACTransRefRecId after query conditions can result in an exception.

The following error could get thrown when using a Record-method within another table for which no record exists and if a Query condition was used at the previous element.

This could happen in situations like prepayment, FI markups, or when using payment schedule within the sales invoicing process.


Error executing code: Common table does not have method 'salesLine'. at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.`Global_StackInfo(XppPrePostArgs _args) in xppSource://Source/Lasernet\AxClass_LACUtils.xpp:line 1299 at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.Global_StackInfo(XppPrePostArgs _args) at

Azure related issues

The following contains examples of the Azure related issues

Issues related to Azure have been fixed/updated in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.4.

354536@LAC365FO - Lasernet connection of type ‘Dynamics 365 Azure storage’ does not work on a PU58 SF environment.

There was an issue when opening the form for the connections – Lasernet > Setup > Administration > Connections.


Method not found: 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount Microsoft.DynamicsOnline.Infrastructure.Components.SharedServiceUnitStorage.StorageAccountRepository.GetStorageAccountDetails()'.

Issue when validating a connection for the Azure Storage – Lasernet > Setup > Administration > Connections > Validate


Method not found: 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount Microsoft.Dynamics.Platform.Integration.Azure.Account.StorageAccountManager.GetAzureStorageAccount()'.

Issue when validating – Lasernet > Setup > Administration > Lasernet servers


_tmp_5C54C237-CAB6-460C-BC78-27AE27153B82.xml Method not found: 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount

Microsoft.DynamicsOnline.Infrastructure.Components.SharedServiceUnitStorage.StorageAccountRepository.GetStorageAccountDetails()'. at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.`Global_StackInfo(XppPrePostArgs _args)

Resend/posting of a document

Resend or posting of a new document would throw an error similar to the following:


SalesConfirmReport_0374003ED713447889C86DDCB91F4273.PDF Method not found: 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount Microsoft.DynamicsOnline.Infrastructure.Components.SharedServiceUnitStorage.StorageAccountRepository.GetStorageAccountDetails()'. at Dynamics.AX.Application.LACUtils.`Global_StackInfo(XppPrePostArgs _args) in

354355@LAC365FO - Can not download CPC printer info and job status for PU58 or newer

The following error was thrown when downloading printers from the Cloud Print Connector:


Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.Dynamics.Platform.Integration.Azure.Queue.Contracts.QueueProviderSettings.set_RetryPolicy(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.RetryPolicies.IRetryPolicy)'.

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