Release Date: 1st October 2021
New Features and Enhancements
#221117 - Get Lasernet Connector available on the Microsoft AppSource
Lasernet Connector for Business Central is now available on the Microsoft AppSource – an online store providing cloud-based applications that enterprises can use with Dynamics 365, Azure, Microsoft 365 and Power Platform. AppSource fulfills a market need and connects business customers with SaaS applications and integration services, and it’s already become a thriving ecosystem that gives business users one place to discover and trial apps.
Lasernet Connector for Business Central is ideally suited for the Microsoft AppSource. The product provides capabilities to create and redesign business documents in a fast and easy manner. It allows users to change logos, incorporate marketing messages and update the general look and feel of business documents so that they send a strong message about your business vision to the market.
The Microsoft AppSource is an online market for buying and selling cloud solutions certified to run on Microsoft’s cloud services. It connects companies who seek innovative, cloud-based solutions with partners that already developed ready-to-use solutions. The availability of Lasernet Connector for Business Central on AppSource will make it easier for customers to purchase and use this effective tool for creating reports and designing business documents in a way that reflects positively on their company brand.
#204472 - Published events support
Lasernet Connector for Business Central now supports published events that provide a hook-up point in the application. They make it possible for customers, partners and third-party developers to adjust the functionality of Lasernet Connector without the necessity to change program code or ask Formpipe for making specific tweaks. Published events also provide capabilities for developers to create custom reports on their own without the necessity to contact Formpipe. These reports distribution can be handled with many different output channels in which Lasernet supports (paper, e-mail, fax, XML, UBL, PDF, etc.).
#204489 - Document Translation improvements
Document Translation has significant improvements. The new user interface makes it simple to set translation – select a label from the list and add as many translations as needed. The Languages Covered section will automatically display the number of created translations for a label that allows seeing missed records without any difficulty. Adding multiple translations has never been so easy – the Copy Language feature will copy all or selected only translations from an existing language to a new one. It’s only a way to save some clicks, and copied translations can be changed to any value later.
#204463 - Report Templates is now replaced with Report Setup
Managing reports has never been simpler. All the new Report Setup management area, (which replaced Report Templates) allows keeping reports configuration at your fingertips. Activation of a report could be done with a single click.
#231920 - Sales Draft Invoice report support
Together with the new Sales Draft Invoice, Lasernet Connector for Business Central now supports 20 reports.
#259584 - Preview documents within the Business Central user interface
The Documents preview functionality has been extended. Users can now select if they either want to preview documents within the Business Central user interface or open documents in separate tabs.
#259591 - Automatically add document attachments to an email in Business Central email confirmation
Document attachments would be automatically added to an email with setup via the Lasernet Connector settings. No coding or rebuilding is needed.
#259714 - Pass all descriptions independent of Item Line type for the Issued Reminder report
In previous versions of Lasernet Connector for Business Central, the Customer Ledger Entry item line description was passed to the Issued Reminder report as an empty value. Now if a Customer Ledger Entry item line description is not empty in Business Central it would be displayed in the Issued Reminder report.
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