New Features and Enhancements
See the Lasernet BC Connector Release Notes.
Click here to download Lasernet BC Connector
#274260 – Predefined Destinations
A new option is now available on the Lasernet Request page entitled Predefined Destinations. This option is used to control destinations such as file formats like EDI, Excel and Word documents on the customer or vendor card.
When a user selects Predefined Destinations on the Request Page, Lasernet analyses the customer or vendor card to see if there is anything defined for this document type. A destination can be defined as an email, FTP, SharePoint site, etc. Users can also specify what type of format they would like the customer or vendor to receive.
Predefined Destinations can also be used from the Job Queue, so you can set up a process where you can distribute the invoices every night. When selecting Predefined Destinations in Job Queue, Lasernet will process each single invoice and examine the destinations that you have defined on the customer card. On the customer card, you can specify multiple destinations and Lasernet will process each one of them as a single job. This means you can distribute a single invoice in many different formats and in many ways.
A customer wants to receive a CSV file on an FTP, and, at the same time, receive an email with the invoice as a PDF. Both documents are then saved in the archive and can be viewed and re-sent.
All Destinations are also added to the Lasernet Archive, including other file types such as EDI, Word, Excel, etc. Users can then view both the PDF and the file.
#274827– Option to select Custom Port
Custom Ports is a new function that allows you to specify a name for a destination type, for example, FTP Formpipe. Together with another new feature named File Format (#354346 – File Format), you can specify the exact file type you want to upload to your FTP Formpipe destination.
Lasernet RequestPage:
Destinations on the Customer Card:
You can the use this information on the Lasernet server.
In the following example, we have created a Custom Port called ‘FTPFP’ with the File Format type .edi:
On the Lasernet server we can create the EDI file and then upload it via our FTP module when this option is selected in either the Requestpage or via Predefined Destinations.
Lasernet EDI:
Lasernet FTP Output Module:
#274827– File Format
With File Formats, you can now control which file type (EDI, Word, Excel, etc.) you want to distribute to your customer or vendor. Together with the new functionality Custom Ports and Predefined Destinations, you can now control exactly how but also what to distribute to your customers and vendors.
Note: File formats are text fields. You can write anything within the text field but keep in mind it is used as the extension for the filename. For example, when using Word, the filename would be ‘E2AD-XXXX-XXXX.word’, so please type the right extension for Word, which can be ‘docx’ or ‘doc’. Lasernet will always add a dot between the filename and the extension.
#286227 – All totals are now aligned across all reports
We have streamlined all totals within the XML file, so Sales Invoice and Sales Order Confirmation, etc. have the same totals, taxes and subtotals, etc.
#293205 – Edit Email properties before sending
Please note that this only works from BC21.
It is now possible to see which email addresses and mail subject and body users will send to the customer or vendor before sending the email.
When selecting Edit Email Properties, the following page is displayed where users can change subject/body and email addresses:
#318134 – Post & Print via Job Queue did not work
When using Post & Print via job Queue the following error used to occur:
Note: ‘Report 12060805’ is a processing-only report.
This is now corrected in version but only from BC21.1.
#330963 – Adding a Filter within Document Layout did not show the table name
When adding a new filter with Document Layout, the name of the tables was not showing, so users were in doubt about which table they were selecting the field from.
This is now corrected in version
#337706 – Aging Band selection on Customer Statement
We now support Aging Band on the Customer Statement.
Please remember that the Lasernet Report does not have the mappings for this new section.
#341311 – When entering Description of Document Layout Field as "1" users got an error upon report printing
If you named your new field “1” there was an error that used to occur when running the report:
Now users can check and correct the name if they enter something that is not XML friendly e.g. ‘1’ will be changed to ‘_1’.
#343149 – Run multiple reports to Save as PDF will only save one PDF
If you were printing multiple documents to Save to PDF, then only the last PDF was saved. We have added support for selecting multiple reports to Save as PDF so now users can zip all PDFs into a single zip file.
This function is not yet working on Customer Statement.
#347517 – Prevention or notification of creation entries with empty Field No
If you try to add Fields or Placeholders without any data, there is now a notification:
#349790 – Upgrade process failing expecting Lasernet Connector Setup to be present
When you have a new company created in version <, and never opened the Connector Setup page or did not export and/or import Lasernet Setup to that new company, it would cause an error when trying to upgrade to version This is now fixed.
#353308 – Document Layout for Transfer Shipment/Receipt Lines did not include data from custom fields
Document Layout adding Custom fields did not work on these two reports as no data was added to the XML file. This is now corrected.
#354798 – Restrict user from entering data in non-relevant fields on Document layout
Now you can only edit the fields that belong to the type of custom field you add, for example - Language Text. You can only edit the columns that belong to that type.
#364188 – Customer Statement - Didn’t show message with missing ledger entries when printing to multiple customers
On the Request Page we have added an option entitled Show No Data Errors to select whether or not you would like to see the warning if there is no data present for customer xx.
#368020 – Printer Selection uses Printer ID on behalf of Printer Name
Before we were using the Printer Name when adding a printer to Printer Selections. Now we use the Printer ID which is more efficient because the ID cannot change like the name.
#368321 – Email Template export/import does not work on other templates
If you tried to export and import your Email Template that was not created by Lasernet as default, then it did not work properly.
This is now fixed.
#369762 – Email templates: possible to create several active for the same report and language
It was possible to create multiple Email templates for the same language and have them all activated. Now only one can be activated.
#371444 – Customer Statement with Balance Only did not show correct starting entries
If users had ledger entries for the customer and selected a period that is after the ledger entries and select Only customers with a balance on the Request Page, it resulted in no body information.
This is now corrected.
#323344 – Connection String export show full string
We have changed the export, so the Connection string for Azure Service Bus and Storage is now converted into another string instead of the real string connection string. The export file can now be easily copied and the string can be used.
#367783 – Preview did not work with large PDF files
If the PDF becomes larger than 2 MB in file size, then users could not open and view the PDF.
This is now corrected in version
#368915 – Error “Microsoft Office document cannot be imported.”
If users had a Word document as a fixed attachment and emailed it through their BC email account, they could encounter this error:
This is now fixed.
#374033 – Fax for Inventory reports.
The fax number was never added to the xml file on inventory reports.
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