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Sheets (Mixing and Combining Pages)

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You can mix and combine sheets depending on your requirements for printing sheets in the duplex mode or combine sheets into a single document (job). You can maintain the settings for mixing and combining pages via the Sheet Order and Page Numberingtab available on the Combining tab of the Sheet Options dialog.


Download and import the attached configuration called 30. Sheets (Mixing and Combining Pages) in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterwards, go to the Forms section and open the Sample form.

1. On the Sheet menu, click Sheet Options.

2. Switch to the Combining tab.

3. Switch to the Sheet Order and Page Numbering tab.

4. Select the Mixed Mode (Duplex) check box.

5. Select the Combining check box.

6. In the Page Numbering drop-down box, select the 1,2,3,4,5,6/6 check box.

7. Click Ok to confirm changes.

8. Switch to the Mixed Page sheet tab.

9. On the Developer toolbar, select the Text tool and insert a rearrange in the output.

10. Edit the Objects settings of the rearrange.

11. Select Page x of y from the Type of insert text drop-down box.

12. Select Page %1 of %2 as a page format.

13. Edit the page format and set a value to Page: %1 / %2.

14. Switch to the Position tab.

15. In the Absolute group box, select the First, Middle, Last and Single check boxes.

16. Set the X position to 195 mm.

17. Set Text Horizontal alignment to Right.

18. Set Box Horizontal alignment to Right and click Ok to confirm changes.

19. In the output, switch to the Mixed Page sheet tab.

20. On the View menu, select the Thumbnails check box. The Page Thumbnails panel opens.

The first and second sheets are now mixed in the following order:

  • Sheet 1: Page 1

  • Sheet 2: Page 1

  • Sheet 1: Page 2

  • Sheet 2: Page 2

  • Sheet 1: Page 3

  • Sheet 2: Page 3

  • Sheet 3: Page 4

  • Sheet 3: Page 4, etc.

The first three sheets are created as one document and the fourth sheet is created as a second document. These documents are processed as two separate jobs.

You have now mixed the first sheet with the second sheet and combined them with the third sheet. In addition, you have also activated page numbering across pages. The settings of the fourth sheet are inherited from the first sheet with the help of the Master Sheet functionality.


21. Switch to the Original sheet tab.

22. Run JavaScript. To this end, on the View menu, click Run JavaScript, or press Shift+F5.

23. Validate that page numbering is running across sheets.

24. On the Page Thumbnails panel, select Page 2.

25. Run JavaScript. To this end, on the View menu, click Run JavaScript, or press Shift+F5.

26. Validate that page numbering is running across sheets.

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