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Sheets (Master Sheet) - Knowledgebase / Lasernet / Lasernet Training / Lasernet Form Editor 9 - Designing Forms - Formpipe Support Portal

Sheets (Master Sheet)

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Lasernet supports processing the master sheet, a technique used for populating rearranges, patterns, tables, overlays, JobInfos, etc. from one sheet to another. When having two sheets, an original one and a copy, and there are only minor differences between the sheets, it is convenient to manage Rearranges, etc. on the Original (Master) sheet and have them inherited by the Copy sheet.

You can access the Master Sheet tab by clicking Sheet Options on the Sheet menu.


Download and import the attached configuration called 29. Sheets (Master Sheet) in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterwards, go to the Forms section and open the Sample form.

1. To add a new sheet, right-click the Original sheet tab in the input, and then click Add in the context menu that appears. As a result, a new sheet is added.


2. In the Sheet Options dialog that appears, switch to the General tab and enter Copy as a sheet name.


3. Switch to the Master Sheet tab.

4. Select the Enable master processing check box.

5. From the Form drop-down box, select Sample, and from Sheet - Original. Click Ok to confirm changes.


Rearranges on the Copy sheet are now inherited from the Master Sheet.


6. In the input, switch to the the Original tab.


7. Open the Edit Rearrange dialog on the tab to edit the Amount rearrange which belongs to the Body item pattern.

8. Select the Master only check box.

9. Click Ok to confirm changes.


10. Multi-select headers and rearranges in the Price and Amount columns (see the picture below).

11. On the View menu, select the Property editor check box.

12. On the Property Editor panel, set Master only to True.


13. Close the Property Editor panel.

14. Switch to the Copy sheet tab.


The objects specified as master only do not exist on the Copy sheet any more.


15. On the Developer toolbar, select the Text tool to insert the Copy fixed text. For the added fixed text, apply 72 pt as Font size.


16. Switch to the Original sheet tab.

17. Open the Sheet Options dialog and switch to the Overlay Files tab.

18. Select the Master Only check box for each overlay file available in the list. Click Ok to confirm changes.


The overlays are not inherited by the Copy sheet any more.


19. Switch to the Copy sheet tab.

20. Open the Sheet Options dialog and switch to the Overlay Files tab.

21. On the Overlay Files tab, click the Add button.

22. In the dialog box that appears, first, switch to the General tab, and then to the List tab, and select a check box for the Box without overlay.

23. In the On page group box, select the First, Middle, Last and Single check boxes.


Once you are done, click Ok on both dialogs to confirm changes. As a result, the output view is as follows:


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Comment (1)

Francisco Almeida
Please fix the article, some images are missing.

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