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Regions (Tables with Footer and Calculations) - Knowledgebase / Lasernet / Lasernet Training / Lasernet Form Editor 9 - Designing Forms - Formpipe Support Portal

Regions (Tables with Footer and Calculations)

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With the Regions function, you can organize data (patterns) in a Conditional Area as well as you can add one or more regions to the same Conditional Area. You can also set individual rearranges defining the header and the footer of a region as labels, shapes and calculations.

In this exercise, it is proposed to extend the table with a footer and a calculation for each region.


Download and import the attached configuration called 26. Regions (Tables with footer) in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterwards, go to the Forms section and open the Sample form.

Before adding footers to tables, it is proposed to extend an additional progress between regions.

1. Open the Conditional Area dialog by right-clicking in in the form and selecting Conditional Area in the context menu that appears.

2. In the Conditional Area dialog, first select the No Discount region, and then click the Edit button. As a result, the Edit Region dialog opens. Set Additional progress to 22 mm, and click Ok to confirm changes. Afterwards, apply the same action for Discount region.

3. Edit the table properties for the No Discount region which is the top table in the output.

4. Switch to the Footer tab and set Height to 7 mm.

5. Clear the Hide footer check box.

6. Click Ok to confirm changes.

A footer is added to the table.

7. Re-open the table properties for the No Discount region and switch to the Footer tab to change the table border settings.

8. Set No Color for Left Border and Bottom Border for column 1. Once you are done, click  the Next Column button.

9. For column 2,3,4 and 5, specify grey as a filling color. Set No Color for Right Border for the second and third columns, as well as No Color for Left Border for the third and fourth columns. To toggle between column settings, use the Previous Column or the Next Column button. Once you are done, click Ok to confirm changes.

A new formatting is added to the footer of the the No Discount table.

10. The next step is to add and format a footer of the Discount region table. Follow the same steps listed above.

11. Add a footer to the Additional costs region table. Remember that this region  contains only four columns.

All the regions now have footers. Let us now add a calculation to each footer.

12. For each region table, select rearranges of the Amount column.

13. On the Developer toolbar, click Calculation, and then click Sum Region.

14. In the Sum Region dialog, select the Insert sum after any region containing selected object names check box, and then click Ok to confirm changes.

Scripts for calculating sums of regions are now added to every region. Run Javascript to view sums of calculation.

15. Use the Text tool to insert a label at the bottom of every region (footer) as it is illustrated on the picture below.

16. Select the text labels and calculations in the footer of each region and specify the Font style as Bold.

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