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Rearrange Properties (Line Height) - Knowledgebase / Lasernet / Lasernet Training / Lasernet Form Editor 9 - Designing Forms - Formpipe Support Portal

Rearrange Properties (Line Height)

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Line height can be set as either Absolute or Relative. In the Absolute mode, you can define a specific line height in millimeters. In the Relative mode, the line height is automatically defined based on font type and size you choose.

The absolute empty line height gives you an option of defining a specific line height in millimeters for empty lines You can set the absolute empty line height to 0 mm to remove any empty lines and make the output compact.


Download and import the attached configuration called 08. Rearrange Properties (Line Height) in Lasernet Developer 9. Afterwards, go to the Forms section, and then open the Sample form.

1. Add a new Rearrange similar to the one illustrated in the picture below:

2. Set Size type to Auto Y.

3. Set the X position to 30 mmY to 40 mm and Width to 80 mm.

4. For Line height, select the Relative radio button and specify the 100 % value for it. It is a default value.

5. Create 5 copies of the Rearrange as it is illustrated on the picture below.

6. For the first copy of the rearrange, set Font size to 11 pt.

7. For the second copy of the rearrange, set Line Height to Relative and specify 150 % for it.

8. For the third copy of the rearrange, set Line Height to Absolute and specify 3 mm for it.

9. For the fourth copy of the rearrange, set Line Height to Absolute and specify 3 mm for it. Select the Use empty line height check box and specify the 4 mm value.

10. For the fifth copy of the rearrange, set Line Height to Absolute and specify 4 mm for it. Select the Use empty line height check box and specify the 0 mm value.

You now have six Rearranges with the same content. Each text block has a different height because of the various line spacing settings.

You are now proposed to set a 5 mm interval between objects.

11. Select all the Rearranges. Right-click the selection, and then click Spacing on the context menu.


12. In the Spacing Options dialog, set Vertical distance to 5 mm and select the Object boxes radio button.

The interval between object boxes is now exactly 5 mm.


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