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Error Message: "Assembly containing type Lasernet.license is not referenced" - Server - Knowledgebase / AX 2012 / AX 2012 FAQs - Formpipe Support Portal

Error Message: "Assembly containing type Lasernet.license is not referenced" - Server

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This article provides a solution for the following error message which may appear in AX 2012 after the import of the Cumulative XP:


Assembly containing type Lasernet.license is not referenced.

It appears when trying to print to Lasernet or when you try to open a Lasernet menu.


Try to compile the Lasernet C-Sharp project. You may see this compilation error:

Or this:

Microsoft Windows SDK is not installed on the AOS server where you try to compile or the ResGen.exe file is located in a different folder than Axapta expected.

Install Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5" on the AOS. Then try to compile the Lasernet C-Sharp project.

Additional information

A similar error message could be Assembly containing type Lasernet.ReportEngine.

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