This article provides instructions on how to add the BLOB Text field to your report. We are using the Sales Order in this example:
This applies to version 3.0.8 only.
Ensure you have the following:
The report in report selection is enabled.
A Lasernet Form.
Grab mode enabled on your Lasernet server.
Follow these steps:
1. Sign in for Business Central.
2. In the top ribbon bar, select Lasernet Document Mgt (If you cannot see it as the picture below, then please search for it), then Setup and Document Layout.
3. Select the New button to add a new Document Layout.
If you already have a Document Layout for the Sales Order, then please go to step no. 6.
4. Fill out the header section:
6. Ensure you have selected the Header (Sales Header) record.
7. Within the Fields section, please add a new record and add field number 200.
9. Open your Lasernet Developer and your configuration.
10. Open up your form. We will use the Sales Order Confirmation in this example.
11. Load your grab file. In most cases, you can press F12 and it will download the latest grab file.
12. Scroll down in the left window and locate SalesHeader and the BLOB element (It is converted to a Base64 string).
13. In this case we will create a Pattern so the rest of the lines can be pushed down depending on the size of the incoming text. So select the Pattern tool from the left menu and click on the element above the Base64 code.
14. Select the Output tab and change the setting according to the picture below. When complete, close the form.
15. From the left menu bar, select the Rearrange tool.
16. Click on the element with the Base64 code and then place the Rearrange where you want it in the right window.

17. Double-click on the new Rearrange, select the Object tab then at the bottom of the screen, enable the Script checkbox.

18. In the lower right windows, please type, "Base64.decode(CurrentText);"

19. Enable the Run as first pass checbox.

20. Close the form and your layout should look similar to this:

21. Save the form, Commit and Deploy your configuration.
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